Matthew McGrath

Bridges dreams and reality through code

View Work


Flat UI Clone

Fullstack, highly-polished clone of the Flat UI website. Incorporates every main feature and adds some of its own

Frontend Collection

An assortment of frontend projects, ranging from pricing cards to fully-realized, beautiful landing pages

Recipe App

Fullstack app that allows for searching for recipes

Dad Jokes

A (hopefully) silly React app that allows users to fetch and rate 'Dad' jokes. Features persistent user data and a simple, colorful interface


Large-scope landing page for a fictional food-delivery business. Uses HTML, SASS, and JavaScript to create a completely fully-responsive, beautifully-designed user experience.

Personal Portfolio

The site you're currently viewing. Highly-optimized with a perfect Lighthouse score. A simple yet bold portfolio that showcases my front-end and design skills.

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Let's Work Together!

I am currently available for freelance projects and Frontend Web Developer roles.

Hire Me

Skills & Experience


Seeing ideas grow inside of the browser is always exciting

HTML5 Logo


CSS3 Logo


JavaScript Logo


React Logo



Sass Logo


Tailwind CSS Logo




Unseen but never unnoticed, crafting the perfect algorithms

Python Logo


Node.js Logo



MongoDB Logo


PostgreSQL Logo



Helpful tools I wield

Git Logo


NPM Logo


VS Code Logo

VS Code

Trello Logo


Never-Ending Journey

Some skills I'm currently leveling-up


TypeScript Logo


React Native
Chakra UI


  • 2021 - Present

    Freelance Web Developer

    Produced and maintained websites for clients utilizing technology ranging from vanilla HTML to Next.js

  • 2021 - Present

    React Bootcamp

    Learned modern React, including Redux Toolkit, React Query, as well as TypeScript and Next.js. Developed and deployed full-stack React and Next.js applications

  • 2021 - 2022

    Web Dev Bootcamp

    Learned HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SASS, and much more. Developed and deployed static websites and full-stack web applications

  • 2010 - 2020

    Indie Game Developer

    Released and sold two Xbox Live games as a solo developer, collaborated on several games, and helped with QA on hundreds of others

  • 2012 - 2015

    B.S in Game Software Development

    4.0 GPA, Dean's List, 3 years of C# experience and extensive Computer Science education

  • 2001 - 2005

    Yucaipa High School

    3.9 GPA, Gifted and Talented Education student, 2 years of C++ and Java

Who I am

Matthew McGrath

Hi, I'm Matthew McGrath, a California-based Software Developer and enthusiast of beautiful, functional design.

Since writing my first line of code at the age of 15, I have had an unbound curiosity for programming and the problem-solving it encapsulates. While pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science, I began developing indie games. After years of dedication and over 100,000 lines of code, I was able to release two completely-independent games for the Xbox 360 Indie Games platform. I also collaborated with others in testing and developing their dream games.

My passion for programming finally led me to where I am now: a Frontend Web Developer. After years of disciplined self-learning of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, I am eager to help connect the world through fully-responsive, impactful web applications.

  • No Ego

    I embrace criticism

  • Self-Disciplined

    Can achieve with little direction

  • Adaptable

    Frontend, backend, new languages

  • Team Player

    Friendly and empathetic

  • Inquisitive

    Always curious to learn more

  • Patient

    Cool, calm, collected

  • No Ego

    I embrace criticism

  • Self-Disciplined

    Can achieve with little direction

  • Adaptable

    Frontend, backend, new languages

  • Team Player

    Friendly and empathetic

  • Inquisitive

    Always curious to learn more

  • Patient

    Cool, calm, collected

Contact Me

Please find various ways to contact me provided below. I am currently accepting freelance projects and full-time positions as a Junior front-end or full-stack web developer.

Mon - Fri 8:00 AM to 8 PM

Send a Message

Reach out to me with any questions, concerns, opportunities, or simply a kind greeting!